Monday, September 29, 2008

American Common Sense prevails over Wall Street Intelligence

God Saved Americans’ $700 Billions with Dow’s fall of 778 Points

There is a saying that there could be a delay in God’s regime, never Injustice. Wise man also said that never regret what happened, - it did only for better. My father also taught me when you need to use the common sense, never waste your intelligence. (Use it where it is required)

American citizens excelled and finally came on to their own. They said - we can afford to lose 778 points of Dow or 10% of S&P, because they will always retrace, but we can not afford to waste $700 Billions for that crazy guy Paulson, that will take generations to come back, if they would at all. The rejection of Paulson Plan was the victory of American democracy. There could not have been better evidence when the Americans saved irrecoverable $700 Billions and lost just retraceable 778 points of Dow.

Here is the brief virtual conversation between the American Citizens and Paulson, with FED Chief Bernanke and President Bush intervening at times.

President Bush

Fellow Americans, you made terrible mistakes…

American Citizen

Really, who is saying that? You? You never made right decision in last 8 years of Presidency. Yes, we made terrible mistakes, but that was 8 years ago, when we sent you to the White House. What we did today was the right thing to do – to show you the door and never see your ugly face again. We would prefer to see the face of “Ugly Betty” at least she will make us laugh, but you! You always made us shed the tears of sorrow, blood and sweat. Get the hell out of here!


There will be job losses, unemployment, no credit for cars, homes, banks will not offer you loans…when you asked your Representative to vote against. Look at Dow – down 778 points, S&P down 9% NASAQ down 8% - we have worst economic situation since 1930 depression era.

American Citizen

Really? Who will lose jobs – the people working at Wall Street? We can afford to lose jobs for a while, because it is limited to my own generation. But paying you blank checkbook of $700 billions to buy the rotten eggs will make my grand, grand grand, grand, grand grand children to pay through the noses.

And who will benefit? You and your Goldman Sach? You mentioned that the portfolio of $700 billions will be managed by your Goldman Sach employee. Your GS will charge the exchequer 1% to 2% for next 5 or 10 years or 30 years to hold these rotten assets till maturity. So your GS will make about $ 7 billions to $ 14 billions for next 30 years, and you will go on making money in the GS stocks.

And you are saying that this is the worst time since 1930 depression. Are you kidding? The Dow is down to 10,370 today whereas it was well above 3000 in 1987. It has not gone down to even 1987 level, and you are saying that this is the worst economic time since 1930? Better get your figures straight.

And dear, these derivatives were all invented in the factory of Goldman Sach and likes, so called “financial engineering”. In off shore centers, Now that they are busting, you bring them on American soil and ask us to pay for your sins?

Fed’s Bernanke

Brother, you do not know the real problem. All these banks are busting, there is a credit squeeze, the interbank market is dead, GDP will go down, job losses will increase, the economy will contract, there will be problems everywhere.. You should have authorized the passage of bill for $700 billions of which only $250 billions were to be disbursed now, and $100 billions before December under the supervision…You see…

American Citizen

Stop right there. Let me ask you one question. How much money you pumped into the United States and abroad to ease so called “Liquidity crunch”?

Fed’s Bernanke

Well, about $673 billions were pumped into the system today

American Citizen

Hey wise guy. You pumped $673 billions into the system without any form of authorization from Congress or otherwise, and you wanted my Authorization for just $ 250 billions? Are you out of your mind? How come we get “dumb persons “like you and Greenspan to head the FED empire?

President Bush

You see, this is fairly complicated. Even I don’t understand. These guys are professionals and experts. You got to believe them…

American Citizen

You were elected as President of United States and you could not understand this basic economics? Why did we give you this beautiful and most powerful nation to you for management when you did not have even common sense?

And you are telling me that these guys are professionals and experts? These are the guys who messed up the whole system, who created CDO, CDS, and CLN etc which finally busted. We are harvesting their sins now and you are saying that we should believe this bald headed Paulson and Bearded Bernanke who have no brains of even 5th class student?

President Bush

Well, I do not know CDO but know WTO and WOT only…

American Citizen

I can understand WTO, but never heard of WOT – have you mis-spelt it?

President Bush

No, No, No. There is no spelling error. WOT = War On Terror. You know these terrorists who scare the hell out of me…

American Citizen

Oh, War on Terror. What are you doing now? Are you not terrorizing me by telling me GDP will go down, jobs will be lost, no money for the cars, homes, health care, Medicare, social security, and no money at the banks too?

President Bush

Well, these are my final 35 days – you may better ask these complicated questions to next President who may be better placed to answer them.

American Citizen

Well, Mr., President, Mr. Bernanke, Mr. Paulson, I got to go…otherwise I will lose job and only you will have to pay me the Unemployment Allowance. I am a good citizen unlike all of you, and do not want to be a burden on the state.

President Bush

Don’t be angry. Did not I send you rebate checks worth $106 billions some time ago?

American Citizen

Yes, I received it, and now you want $700 billions from me. Do you think that your fellow American citizens are stupid? Are you a President or a Con Man? Get the hell out of here – all of you…Now

Why did the Dow fall so steeply?

These Wall Street guys spread all rumors, including PIMCO chief – Bill Gross. I was watching the market and Congressional proceedings all night long. The market fell in last 5 minutes when the sellers deluge. They marked down the prices steeply when they saw no bids, It was more like a scene of Bombay Stock Exchange in January, when the brokers marked down the prices steeply for all blue chips, seeing no bids.

It should be noted that if there were sellers all around, there were buyers too for whole day except for last 5 minutes. Even on closing bell, Maria of CNBC announced the fall of about 600+ points whereas the last minute update sent the Dow reeling by another 180 points. They were not indicative of meltdown. Who did that? Goldman at the instance of Paulson, force Congress to pass the bill a day after?

What will happen on Tuesday?

People will have time to think. Wall Street has been manipulating the whole market like a bunch of thugs. They brought down Dow in last few minutes to force the Congress. They wanted $ 700 billions before September to manipulate market prices of derivatives, by buying them at very high prices. They will even now lift the short selling ban on 799 financial shares, so that the market could go down further, and these “three Musketeers” could say – We told you so…

Asian markets will fall again in the opening trades, but then, might recover. Whatever happens in Asia or Europe, there is strong possibility that Dow after sliding further by 200 points (10,170), it may rebound strongly. The rejection of Paulson Plan is now discounted in the market price. Nothing worse is going to happen. If some bank goes under, let it go. How many banks will you go on resurrecting? These CDO/CDS have spread like Aids virus.”

The sudden outbreak of bankruptcy virus is due to off shore liabilities coming on shore. They were never seen on the balance sheets of the banks in the past. When they lost money overseas, they jettisoned to on shore parents, like an ocean that always throws the trash on to the shore.

The investors have short memory. How many times the investors remembered 1930, 1987 and 2001 in last 5 years? You can count it on finger tips.

Frozen Liquidity? How to counter it?

Let the market rates rise. There are always lenders who want to lend the money if they get higher return for higher risk. Did not Warren Buffet gave $ 5 Billions to Goldman Sach by extracting 10% interest on preferred shares? With warrants attached?

It was stupid move on the part of Bernanke to pump over $673 billions in the market without any authorization when he was seeking Congress approval for just $250 billions? What the hell is he doing? He is just printing billions of dollars every day with almost no coma, semi colon and full stop? Has he gone mad? Why does not he recognize that the lenders are just on side line? They do not want to lend in high risk environment by receiving just 2%. If they want higher interest rate for short term, let them have it. Nothing stops. Everything has a price. Let the market determine the interest rates for the time being. Pumping hundreds of billions of dollars will only make the people to shun even treasury and go for Gold – which can not be printed.

God has finally saved the America. The Americans should be proud of themselves for putting their foot firmly on the gang of President Bush, Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson.

Kalidas, Hong Kong

September 30, 2008


When you take speculative position especially in respect of Indices, you have to be very careful. You have to see the calendars also. In Hong Kong and US we are closed, you may not be, and consideing time zone, the US market opens only on thursday Asia time.

I am presuming that you might have used Indices. the market may rise today, but again, this is personal assessment. Other market's reaction is negative, because each center has some or the other bank failure. Commerzbank of Germany is also listed as trouble spot.

You have to be very fast in Index trading. I do not trade in Indian market the options or future, so unable to guide you.

In leveraged stock and index trading, never allow more than 3% price diversion. you cut the losses or book the profit. further, always keep the Buy and Sell order very distant from the current prices. So that if you caught the trend correctly, the possibility is that your price may be hit during rapid correction during the day, and you will be hit. By the time you return from lunch, your position may be in money.

I know more about options and futures in US market. Their rules are different than India.

Kalidas, Hong Kong

Reply Post for V8R Guest (your Ref: 30 Sep 2008 14:56 ) My Ref: 08-096-IN
I replied this question number of times in this forum. Any investment product has ups and down, so you can not say even gold can not come down - it does.

In uncertain time like this, Gold is a good protective investment, provided it is bought physically. In India, one may buy ETF with Demat deposits. But in riots, even ETF is of no use. If there were riots like in Punjab at the time of independence, people fled Pakistan with all their belongings. ETF in such case is not useful - only the physical gold.'

When you buy ETF, it is fine. If you buy physical, do not buy from banks like HDFC who overcharge you by 10%. If you buy from the market, do not buy jewellery - it may cost you more and your wife/mother/sister will never let you sell, when the price go up. Invest silently in lagdi or bar form at international price - they are always saleable instantly

Kalidas, Hong Kong
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Reply Post for slowhand22 (your Ref:30 Sep 2008 15:29) My Ref: 08-095-IN-R

1. The depositors have FDIC insurance of $100,000 (in India, it is Rs 100,000) for bank deposits. If one has account with brokers or investment firms, the protection is $500,000 per account with sub limit of $100,000 in cash and rest for securities. If one wants to have more insurance, one may have to approach insurance company to insure larger amount. When I was in brokerage business, and had client's portfolio up to US$ 25 Millions, we used to ask the bank or brokers to get extra insurance for $24.5 millions for which premium used to be borne by the banks/brokers. So, in case of Lehman Brothers, the protection was higher at $500,000 under SIPC (Security Investor Protection Corporation, USA). In Hong Kong, we do not have any kind of protection. In USA, each client of any foreign broker having account with single account with the US broker gets individual protection. The foreign broker is said to have 'omnibus account' and all clients' assets are individually protected up to $100,000 per sub-client. In India, it is not so.
Yes, However, such large banks usually merge with other banks, so depositors do not lose. The debt holders and equity holders lose in that order.
2. Riots are possible, if the losses are of such magnitude that the bank does not have capital. In such cases, even courts let the depositors have preference over other creditors. This is provided by the concerned Banking Act.
3. When you deal with private bank, there is always a risk. In last 50 years, from the moment I began to understand, I have not seen any major bank failures, except run on the bank on Citibank and Standard Chartered Bank, in Hong Kong in 1991/2
4. No government should give 100% guarantee for any private enterprise. This is unknown and could make even government bankrupt. Such cost is ultimately borne by the citizens only
5. If government does not want panic, they should monitor the bank properly. When the cooperative banks failed in India, there was a run on ICICI Bank when the RBI extended the line of credit running into several hundreds of crores. Take the example of bankruptcy of Global Trust Bank in India, taken over by Oriental Bank of Commerce, where the depositors got the protection but the shareholders lost entire equity.
6. Current panic has forced Americans to buy only treasury. In USA anyone can buy treasury bills or notes of even smallest amount online. No one is trusting any bank, so they buy the treasury. Due to this, 2% CPN 2 years notes may be trading at $102 so that on maturity the note holder gets $100 losing 2% interest he gets. Thus, his yield is ZERO.
7. In difficult times, the people's main concern is capital preservation and not earning. Even if the earning is zero, they are happy that their capital is safe.

Kalidas, Hong Kong
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


for hembhat

Rubinomics is at play. Former Treasury Secretary, Rupert Rubin, now Vice Chairman of Citigroup, was expert in manipulating the oil prices by shorting oil futures and buying $ index. It is said that Enron was used to conduct such trades in off shore centers. Near settlement day, the short sellers have to deliver the oil, so they reverse the trade, by buying back oil futures, and selling the dollar index. This is why oil rose $25 in one day on settlement day. Otherwise, which mad man will buy US$ in the middle of giant bankruptcies?

Next to go will be UBS, General Electric (GE of USA, not UK) and hundreds of hedge funds. Some money market funds too will fold up. Citigroup with all clothes torn to pieces with begging bowl in hand, is moving around recruiting other beggars like Wacovia.

'khisse mein kuchh hain nahin, aur duniya kharidne chale hein'

Kalidas, Hong Kong

The market behaved as stated earlier by me - will go down more in the morning and close up in the evening. The rejection of bail out plan is not fully discounted in the lower prices.

Please write your post in English unless you use some idioms to prove your point.

Bear phase will continue for long time - when the banks are failing, money is disappearing, then it is a long long bear phase.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


Reply Post for shakti (your Ref:sp.polo) My Ref: 08-098-01-IN
An excellent question. If you have followed my posts for over a year, you would have known that I have always advocated 'physical gold' than ETF. It is easy for us to buy physical gold with 9999 purity from any gold dealer, fully certified and approved, by the Government of Hong Kong.

In India, the people invest mostly in jewellery, so the gold may be 22 carats (they claim) by in reality, it is 18 carats only - we have checked them in Hong Kong. This is why when you sell your jewellery, they deduct lot of 'kasar'. Further, when you buy jewellery in India, they charge you labour @ Rs 100 per gram or more. In Hong Kong, we have fixed making charge regardless of the weight.

When you buy gold as an investment, it is to be treated as investment. When the prices rise, one should be prepared to sell. If you have invested in gold jewellery, the family member never allow you to sell the gold even if the price has risen. However, if you have bought bar or lagdi, you can sell.

If it is ETF, you can sell just as you can buy. there is no personal loyalty attached. This kid of paper gold or derivative is good so long as you have bought from the company survives. So, you are not investing into gold first. You are investing into the selling company first, and then into gold. Whereas in physical gold, you directly own the gold, not the paper.

I have always bought Gold and silver in physical form all the time for last several years. I was waiting for this kind of crisis to happen, and let the gold prices zoom beyond imagination. At that time, I will catch a plane and sell whatever jewellery I own and sell them out at the market without retaining a single gram.

My wife therefore wears only yellow 24 carat gold (This is what we get in Hong Kong from Chinese shops). I bought ETF only for short term trading, and that too in India , just 50 units worth Rs 30,000 that was sold recently earning just Rs 1800 before expenses.

If you carefully analyze the world situation and the investment products in troubles, they were all papers. Physical commodity never hurts - you can hold it and keep it for generation and sell them when the crisis of such proportion hits the markets everywhere.

Kalidas, Hong Kong
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reply Post for KUD (your Ref: KUD of 01 Oct 2008 08:27) My Ref: 08-099-IN-R

I have devoted full chapter 'Where is McKenna's Gold' in my forthcoming book, so I will avoid the comments. Greenspan never mentioned that the gold has never been audited. He always remained silent on this issue. I have Audit report that says that there is so much of gold, but it smacks of manipulation by use of some creative words. When my book hits the shelf, and people know the truth, the gold may zoom to over $3000 per oz. Hell will let lose.

At that time, I will tell you what it is.

Kalidas, Hong Kong
Wednesday, October 1, 2008


for KUD

This is why he wants to save Goldman by saving AIG which owes $20 billions to Goldman. Goldman also appear to have unaccountable liabilities many of which may be off shore. they will be brought on shore once the funds are released.

Goldman will also get right to manage the $700 Billions of portfolio which will be held till maturity - 30 years. Considering usual management fees of 2% (1% Minimum), it will earn EVERY YEAR $ 7 billions to $14 billions. That will be great revenue booster. They want to write off all accumulated losses (not yet known) by am,mortizing every year against the fees accruing here.

Goldman may be carrying over $100 billions of doubtful assets similar to Bear Sterns, Merrill and Lehman brothers.

SAVING GOLDMAN, KILLING AMERICAN TEX PAYERS is the function of the new command - Operation Overkill, where tax payers will be massacred under the Commander In chief - Geroge W Bush - one of the most Retarded President of all time.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


I was having very small position of Quantum ETF (just 50 units). I took the view that the bill will finally go through that may cause the s3wift rally, so I employed funds in my regular stocks, and sold Gold ETF. I know that it can go lot higher, but I already have lot of physical gold and silver. So, I decided not to keep very small position.

I do not know about UTI ETF. I don't like UTI due to sheer manipulation they do in their Mutual funds. I have invested large amount in their Petro fund, which hardly gives me enough return compared to its portfolio of most oil majors and refiners. The stocks like Reliance, ONGC trepled when I bought this fund. and the fund is still trading near issue price.

Strictly, speaking UTI-Gold may look better IF other features are same. I do not know UTI's charter, but since I do not like this Fund Manager who is deceitful, I do not want to even look at them.

If there is an agreement today in the Senate, and that causes the big rally in stocks, that may last 3 to 5 days, the ETF may come down a lot, that will be a point of buying. I normally buy when there is price fall for 3 to 5 days in a row.

Gold is very strong on its own, but temporary weakness can not be ruled out.We are all living in paper castle, so the gold will have to go higherr. No country is having enough gold now that they can short it. and almost all fund managers are dead,

All these factors are in favour of Gold. It could go very high - could be $2000 or even more. I therefore do not care whether I pay 635 or 585 or 530. if at all you want to buy, you may buy at about 585 (best level) or even lower, if the equity rally goes beyond 5 days in a row.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


for shia,

I have written in the past that nothing would have happened to Europe had they not bought the useless CDO/CDS papers from US banks and brokers who created this parallel economy. `

Once I have mentioned that there was fundamental difference between the mortgage as practiced in Europe, Hong Kong, Asia, India AND the one practiced in USA. It was presumed by European and British banks that mortgage type of finance is always secured and with little risk, without realizing that practices were different across the continents.

They thought that the mortgage in USA is similar to one in UK and Europe. they looked only at the financial part of the product, not the legal part where they made the most serious mistake.

It may be noted that even in USA, the fall in property prices is still not over 15% in most of locations. The real trouble came not from primary lender side, but from derivative side which were having only second lien, that is, their debt was subordinated to Primary Lenders.

So the losses in UK and Europe is not related to the weakness in mortgage in primary market but in instruments purchased by them from the flamboyant brokers and banks from USA.

Further, Europe is not English speaking, so information flow from there is very slow and inaccurate. There are many languages from French, German, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Polish, and host of smaller countries, similar to India where we have more than 50 languages across 26 to 28 states. But Hindi is a common language which is not the case in Europe

All of us listen and educate ourselves in USA, UK, Australia, India, Pakistan, Sri lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal etc because the English is the common link language and almost all communications from TV media to Newspapers are bilingual. We therefore know more about these countries than others.

Europe made a mistake in not having common language. It is more like monetary union than political or social. this will fail in course of time.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


Very serious, It was stated yesterday that 60% of all hedge funds will be bankrupted this month. they have suffered the heaviest losses due to change in rule in middle of the game and otherwise.

Kalidas, Hong Kong

Qn:wht to do if the portfolio is at 60% loss.

for raneshramesh

I have very simple formula for situation like yours.

1. If the stocks you hold are likable, retain the holding
2. If the stocks you hold are not likable, and you are losing 60%, find out the stock in same industry that has also come down by 60% or more, that is liked by you. Sell unlikable stock and Buy the likable stock.
3. if you are incurring 60% (say you bought Stock A at Rs 100 that now trades at Rs 40)do the following exercise:
- Please note that although you lost 60%, the stock has come to Rs 40, then, it has to go up by 150% gain to become break even,
- Normally, if the stock has become 1/3rd, I buy 3 times
- If it has come down to 1/4 th, I would buy 4 times the original position
4. If the stock rebounds after new purchase, do not count average price. If the second lot goes higher quickly, sell 50% of new lot at market prices. If it goes higher, sell remaining lot of 20%

This way you are able to manage the existing stock without enlarging your money.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


for raneshramesh,

500k is too high amount to lose. The properties in India are not going to crash that you can afford to lose this much. I do not know the valuation of your property and whether the apartment is ready for possession or under construction. Normally, I never advise anyone in India to buy the property under construction, because in downturn, they run away. It is better to pay 10% more and buy the ready one - pay him on one side, receive on the other - like COD or Cash against delivery. Always make final payment through the financing bank or Lawyer so that all formalities are complied with.

You could have token money of say Rs 1000 and seek all documents from the builder saying that they may be required by the bank for the purpose of loan. If the market situation reverses or you find that the property is not that worth, you can retrace saying the bank did not approve the loan. The most you lose is Rs 1000

Under the cirumstances, you may apply for a loan and pay the builder against delivery of the flat (if it is ready) or make him to agree to receive part payment of just 20% more and balance only against possession. Tell him these are the terms of the bank you are borrowing from. If he disagreed, ask him to return the amount (official or No.2). If the market is in rising trend, he may refund.

Otherwise, proceed cautiously if the property is under construction and the builder is of high repute.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


for amarawargaonkar

I already replied you on my blogsite. As i mentioned there, it is the Brokers who make the market. Investors are generally followers. This is why you always here - so and so broker gave me this tip and that. It takes courage to say what you want to say. Just see the earlier comment who pokes a fund at me for having made the prediction of 2400 rally in 7 days - he has read only headline not the contents of the message, so he will go on writing in peculiar English and hurl abuses at me. You also experienced that - so do not worry.

I have selectively started buying. I am also losing very little in some of the scrips but in some i have gained like HPCL, BPCL, even Air Deccan (in two lots I made money, but in one old lot, I am losing a bit), Spicejet - twice I made good money, I also bought more recently. I have not touched blue chips but will buy cash rich companies like ITC, MTNL, Hindustan Level (where I made good money - already sold at profit). I am still losing in IFCI (cost Rs 36 - one lot I bought below 30 sold over Rs 35.85), GV Films etc. but the my invesment is very small, and what I have invested is in the same couner where I had earlier quadrupled. I have bought back Essar Oil (120/132 and 158), Essar shipping (Rs 54/66/72) and RNRL (59/68) GSPL (44/36). I will be stepping up the purchases in another meltdown. Any stock you buy today, will have downside of 20% minimum, so If you can muster this loss, then invest, otherwise make money in your hotel. Yes, I will come to Aurangabad once - and in that case - i will need a hotel to stay in. My father in law many years ago lived in that city for over 4 years. I will be coming to India in early November

Kalidas, Hong Kong

for dhruv8

Your entry price is very good. No need to average down further. Search for other counters for deployment for your balance funds.

the time has come to buy now. Yes, risk is more, and there could be 20% to 30% losses on paper, but they do not count, because most of the prices today are thinly traded stocks. Once the market recovers, they bounce back beyond the purchase price today.

Take the stock of home inventory, sell all excess wares, clothes, utensils that you never use. Sell them straight and use the proceeds to buy the desired stocks of good quality. Buy mid cap stocks, not small cap.

this way your home will also be cleared up of dirt and excess inventories and proceeds thereof are employed in stocks which are available at waste paper`s prices

Arvind Mill, Dish TV, Abhishek Industries, IFCI, Hotel Leela, Taj GVk, Midday Media, are all small investors` stocks. Buy them and hold for about 6 to 12 months, and focus on your regular work.

There could not have been better days. I was the one who asked everyone to sell 70% by January 16, 2008 and sell everything by 31-march-2008. I was proved right.

I am now exhorting everyone to start buying now of those stocks that have come down by 80% from the peak. All well known stocks. The choices are so many, that you may pick and chose like in Vegetable or fruit market.

Kalidas, Hong Kong

Retiring President’s Parting Gift to Paulson

Buy Rotten Eggs for $700 Billion in 36 days

1) The first mistake the Americans made 8 years ago was when they forgot to get the incoming President’s head examined. There is always an intense debate for the suitability of any candidate for the coveted post of the President. More emphasis is always given how the next Commander-In-Chief would act in case of exigencies. No one asked them of their basic knowledge of economics except how much taxes would he reduce.

Visit any Forex traders or option trader’s website – they give you $ 1 million to play a demo game. Never before any presidential candidate was asked to play such demo game in public debate. Never before any presidential candidate was asked what will you buy if you were given $700 billion of Taxpayer’s money?

However, on the historic Sunday, 28th September 2008 to be precise, a bipartisan agreement was arrived at to authorize the President Bush to succumb to the wishes of the Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to spend $700 Billions of tax payers’ money to buy rotten eggs lying in the vaults of Banks and Brokers in his last 36 days!

When a person is dying, his last wishes are asked for by the relatives circling on him just to listen how much he would get if that fellow dies. When a criminal is condemned to death, his last wishes are asked for before his head is shaven off in preparation for his journey to the death. Hank Paulson did not have to have his head shaven off. His wish was $700 Billions – and America’s most retarded President in the history granted the wish to spend $700 Billion in 36 days! He was joined by the chorus of congressmen/women to tell their Commander in Chief – Yes Sir. The President said – I did not hear you! The congressmen raised their pitch – Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Yes Sir.

Ask any businessmen or any person of ordinary prudence – would he give his departing employee even $700,000 of authority when he has already resigned and counting his last 30 notice days? Of course No, then how come the President of United States hands over blank checkbook to his Treasury Secretary with unchecked power of $700 billion when he is counting his last 36 days?. If something goes wrong later – Mr. Paulson would say” I have right to remain silent.” Look at the bill you have passed in the Congress. – No questions to be asked. Period.

Only a few months ago, the President Bush with great fanfare distributed Tax Rebate checks to American citizens amounting to $106 billions only to withdraw $ 700 billions from their and their future generations’ pocket on today (28 Sept 08) like a conman. During his presidency, over 4000 soldiers lost lives in Iraq, 1000 more in Afghanistan, over a million innocent people died in Iraq, Twin towers of World Trade Centers were destroyed, billions of dollars of budget surplus was converted into whopping deficits, US Dollar dropped by 40%, hurricanes destroyed several cities, wildfires raged in and tons of mud sided in California, millions lost jobs and homes, oil prices rose from low 30s to high 145, and industries collapsed one by one – from Auto, airlines, healthcare, Medicare, insurance, brokers, investment banks, and banks for only one reason. He was thoroughly incompetent.

Now, let us consign all events until today’s night into history, and focus what will or could happen from now on to the financial markets around the world. Here are the posers and possibilities.


Is it a done deal? Will it become a law?


Preliminary agreement is struck. While leaders have agreed, it is not known whether the rank and file senators will vote for the bill. They have been getting angry response from their constituencies to vote against, There have been street protests in California, Anger is building up which may become violent. US is heading towards unrest and then civil war in a few months.


What will happen to the market?


Paulson wanted to get the bill signed by the President before the world market opens tomorrow. He expects the market to give solid response. However, the market is always an unpredictable beast. World markets do not act on themselves. They wait until the US market opens. Further, the market movement depends on the major brokers. As you are aware, most of the leading Investment banks like Bears Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch are either in the coffin or ICU. The credit crunch is so much that most of the brokers do not have money to pump into the market and take their proprietary position.

However, Goldman Sach and Morgan Stanley, now being banks, will be given billions of dollars to buy into overseas markets, especially near day close, if the markets do not move up strongly in the morning trades.


Will the bank start lending and reduce the liquidity freeze?


Doubtful. Most banks from Citibank to UBS have raised capital from the market in the form of High coupon (9% to 11%) preference shares in billions of dollars. They will be forced to retire high cost debt, leaving little in their coffer.

Further, more and more debts are being generated in the market due to sub prime default that makes more and more derivatives doubtful. The banks will be forced to pay to the counterparty in respect of future obligations. It can not plead that it does not have money. The creditors may sue the banks to either pay or file bankruptcy. There is no chapter 11 for banks, only Chapter 7 and 13 that compulsorily winds up the company.

The mistrust has been built into the market so much that the counterparty risk has risen to the highest level. Under these circumstances, the interbank transactions will remain low. The collapsing banks in USA, UK, and rumors of failures in centers like Hong Kong, will continue to make the market difficult for lending.

Corporate lending may take a while. The commercial paper market has become like a junk bond market with interest rates running in high single digit to low double digits even for blue chip customers. The real interest rates are perking up.


What happens to the Equity markets?


They will open high but then retrace after 2 hours, again peaking up near the close due to US funds buying with billions of dollars in blank checks.

The real rally may come only after the reaction of the US market. Tuesday may be stronger than Monday, provided no negative news emerges on deal front.


How the markets may react?


  • Dollar block country may do best – Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea may choke 3% to 5% gain initially, go down by 3% in correction, to peak up gain near close by another 3% to close at 8% maximum.
  • Japan may gain by 3% to 5%.
  • Sensex may gain 600 points initially, depending on how the Asian markets have reacted, to lose 300 pts, to make up morning losses as soon as London market opens strongly. If London is lower, due to another bank failure, the Sensex may lose steam. US brokers may not be that active in India market. They need more money at home than park them overseas.
  • Dow Jones may chalk up over 400 pts gain because of massive short covering of Index weighted financial shares. If the bill is passed into law on following day in the congress, then all financials will rally.
    • It is possible that the Banks and Brokers may start reporting profits due to write back of excess provisions caused by higher market value manipulations.
    • If in the meanwhile Mark to Market rule is abolished, the bonds may be re valued to par value on HTM or Hold Till Maturity principle. (In this case, ICICI Bank may also benefit in India)
    • Some large hedge funds may fold up due to changing of rule of short selling of shares in the middle of a game. The losses may run into billions of dollars. If they save the banks, the hedge funds get busted. Will Paulson plan save them too?
    • There could be thousand of law suits in UK and USA against authorities from hedge funds, pension funds for losing money due to sudden changing of short selling rules in middle of the game.
  • Bond market may behave differently, Initial rally may fizzle out. The collapse of banking system has just started. British banks, once considered safe may come into more problems. The bank failures are spreading to every where. From USA to across Atlantic – UK, Germany, Belgium (Benelux countries), Hong Kong and more will follow in Asia and Japan. Many have not shown yet where do they stand. Almost all Asian and Japanese banks are saddled with the American CDO, CDS, and Lehman Bonds that run into billions. When Lehman owed over $600 billions, the question arises – to whom? Those who are trying to buy Lehman because by buying them out, the cross entries will be eliminated.
  • The British banks like HSBC may have more losses. If you look at their balance sheets in Yahoo, there are hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars of transfer between various assets –
    • long term assets were reduced by 800 billions and short term liabilities rose by $1.2 trillions, ($1200 Billions)
    • Long term Investments rose by $ 1 trillions.($1000 Billions)
    • Cash resources depleted by $300 billions.
    • Its capital is just $88 billions against total liabilities of $2.2 trillions or just 3%.
    • In other words, all off balance sheet assets and liabilities of off shore centers have been brought into the main balance sheets. How much of such trillions of dollars is good, we do not know. See the following link…
    • In short the balance sheet severely deteriorated. This applies to almost all banks who have tied up with USA and who bought US banks or brokers 3 to 5 years ago amid lots of fanfare.
  • The dollar index may gain initially.
  • Commodity price may see fall. Metal stocks may fall worldwide again.
  • Gold too may fall initially by 6% to 8% in 2 or 3 sessions. However, the gold is having lot of real strength. After initial euphoria, it may rise again.
  • Oil Prices may fall due to shorting of futures against buying of $ index. The oil prices are bearing the stamp of Rupert Rubin, ex-Goldman Sach Vice President and former Treasury Secretary and now top executive of Citigroup. With blank checkbook in the hands of Paulson, some billions may be given to old colleague to short the oil and strengthen the dollars
    • It may be noted that recent spike in oil price by $25 in single day was due to short covering of oil contracts ahead of settlement on Nynex. Under the current rules, the settlement is subject to physical delivery. So the short sellers have to either buy back the contracts or deliver millions of barrels of oil physically that they do not have.
    • This scenario may be repeated in November. While buying back the September contracts at huge premium, they shorted the November contracts again in roll over exercise. If the oil prices remain strong, expect another major spike in oil prices in November. Oil is now most manipulated market with the use of derivatives.
    • There are all signs that another Enron is in the making, this time, 20 times larger. Which company is used now, is not known.
  • Interest Rates will go much higher and you should not be surprised, if they get into high double digits in less than 6 months. The lower credit rating of US governments by Fitch and others in oveseas countries (Moodys and S&P will not change their loyalty) may again push up the rates. If the rates does go to even 12%, the US government will have to service their debt of over $13 trillions @ $ 1.5 trillion per year of repeat expenses.


Does it mean that USA is on recovery path?


Absolutely not. The manipulative effect does not last longer, especially when the trillion dollar scale is considered. The States and Local government who need over $200 billions to manage their state, may raise their ugly head and demand payment when 3 times more money is given to bankrupt banks. USA is receding into civic unrest and Civil war slowly and surely.


Is there severe discontent among Americans at the current Bail Out plans


Americans are damn angry. They are losing jobs, homes, healthcare, Medicare every thing… They have now converging on the streets with big banners. If the bill is passed into law, they will flare up, and the anger will spread across the nation like a Californian wild fire. Since guns are freely licensed in USA, there is likely to be mayhem and the ordinary civic unrest will escalate into full scale Civil War. They have to ban gun immediately before situation worsens.

This may happen swiftly, even before election. We should be very happy that it does not happen; In fact it should not happen or should not be allowed to happen. For the first time, US Administration will have to use bullets on their own soil to kill the American themselves instead of killing millions of peoples abroad in self engineered war of massive scale.


What should an Investor do now?


This is pet line of CNBC in its advertisement for which they never reply. The present scenario is very unstable, and changes from moment to moment. It is more akin to war. Deal with it as it comes. No planning is going to work, except holding some portion in gold.


Is there any solution to the present mess?


Of course, yes. The trouble right now is that no one knows what has suddenly happened and why so swiftly. Watch for my book “Sub Prime Resolved”: that contains complete solution and also wait for my next article here – How we got here? Legalizing Parallel Economy”


Are we to worry about every thing?


No. The problem will take care of itself. For every problem, there are 10 solutions, One has to find it. I have found them, and sent out a letter to appropriate authorities who received them by FEDEX on 25th August, 2008, but they did not reply. Who is by the way Kalidas? Never heard of him.

Kalidas, Hong Kong


Physical gold is always better than paper gold like ETF in overseas centers are like Hong Kong where the banks have been infested with hundreds of derivatives. No one knows the status of broker or bank where the paper gold is being kept.

India is a different ball game. Physical gold is difficult to trade. The banks only sell the gold, never buys back, so it is not so liquid. Further, banks like HDFC charge almost 10% premium to local prices. If you buy physical from gold merchant, there is no guarantee of its quality, though they do contain some marks. In Hong Kong, we have protection on the quality, and all gold dealers by law are required to imprint the purity and weight on the gold bar or coin like “lagdi”

An ETF fund like Quantum Gold Fund, which imitates phycial gold, appear a better choice. I used to own this fund a couple of times. As per charter, they are supposed to invest only in physical gold and not in derivatives. If they can mainatain that, they are safe. However, what is the guarantee of the funds holders if the managers make a wrong move and start buying derivatives? The reputation of this fund is high and there is no premium to the spot price of the gold. It is therefore good substitute to physical gold in India only, where I find no other problems similar to world over.

Further, this ETF can be kept in Demat form which is Government of India sponsored depository. So even if the broker goes under, your holding is safe. Please check with your broker that it can be kept in Demat form (I did not check it, though I bought it 3 times in the past and sold them later at profit)


for Ojal Suthar

Calls and Puts (if bought only) are limited liability hedging strategy, if used with stocks held. Otherwise, they are speculative with limited downside. If one writes covered call, it is again conservative approach, quite safe. If one writes put to receive the premium, without buying out of money put, then it exposes investor to more risk.

If you get good premium in writing puts, and there is little premium in out of money put, it is better to do both to earn slightly less but limit downside. If you want to have more upside at the same time, you may buy additionally out of money call to enhance the return.

In India, the option market is not so good. The strike period and price are not long enough. I therefore normally do not advise on such options or futures trades. Out of money calls and puts are also highly illiquid. I therefore do not participate or advise and investor on strategy.

In USA, the market is very sophisticated. You can have even long term calls and puts extending up to 3 years. One can also take small or large position according to his capacity. In India, each call and put represent certain minimum lot, that makes India a highly speculative market alone.


for Sukaina, Manjunath

Please see my new post summarizing today’s events. For your position of IFCI, I also bought some at about 32/33 level today. To me, today’s rejection of Bail Out package was extremely good event and it displayed the American Citizens’ maturity over so called Wall Street’s expert intelligence that brought down the whole market.

On one hand, there was a bail out package for $700 billions of which only $250 billions were disbursable immediately for which bill was put up before congress for its Authority. Whereas FED at the same time distributed and pumped in $673 billions into the money market to ease the liquidity - under whose authority? When you do not need authorization for $673 billions, why do you pretend seeking authorization for just $250 billions of bail out package?

Read my article to avoid duplication and out of context reference.